Thursday, November 20, 2014

Natural Stupidity

Police, EMTs, and good drivers will all tell you that there's a mysterious force of nature that can only be described as stupidity. There are some mornings that from the moment you leave your driveway/parking space you can see it's going to be "one of those days" where random stupidity is thick and heavy. Bikes weaving through traffic, pedestrians wandering out in front of cars, all bumping into each other, and drivers seemingly auditioning for YouTube. I've heard speculation that atmospheric conditions can effect behavior. I'd like to see it tracked and included in weather forecasts. If this morning was any indicator, I'd tell everyone in the Saitama/Tokyo area to be extra careful today because it was stupiding cats & dogs this morning! If it is in fact a dumb-front, it could last through the weekend, with a possibility of a flash-fool warning. Already I had a bike hit my car while I was waiting at a red light, I barely avoided hitting three more imbecycles, and the roads were like a zombie apocalypse with all the wandering pedestrians. Put your smart phones away, be alert, and expect lots of stupid because I'm already hearing more ambulances than usual.

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