Saturday, February 08, 2014

Back Pain

Progressing into my later 40's I was horrified to develop lower back pain. Bending over, standing up, and sometimes even sleeping became difficult. I spent several years at various clinics having massage and electro therapy, and medicated patches. The massages were the only thing that helped, and they didn't really help that much. I'm also a bit overweight, and I've been fighting that for the last three years since my doctor told me I was facing high blood pressure. Recently, as I finally get below 100kg I find the back pain lessening and even disappearing on more and more days. At the risk of jinxing it, I'm thinking the excess weight was causing the pain and as I get my weight closer to where it should be, not only does my BP normalize I don't have the back trouble I did last year. I talked to my therapist about it and he agreed that this is very likely the case. I asked him why he or no other therapist ever mentioned this to me. He said he didn't want to offend me. If you're having chronic back pain, your weight should be one of the first things you consider because your therapist may not be entirely straight with you.