Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Right Man for the Job

Cultural Observation: The Japanese are taught from childhood to speak
clearly and concisely; to speak in a rigid, regimental pre-meditated
fashion. They are taught to never ramble, amble, digress, meander,
tangent or to, like, you know...kinda talk without any, whaddaya call
it...definite direction, or something like that...like this guy I used
to work with...what was his name?...............

As a result, when they speak English they come off sounding like
androids. No color, style or warmth. They sound like they're all
following some weird script.
Recognizing this as a primary obstacle to their mastery of
conversational English, my wife and I have decided that a heavy portion
of my lessons should be devoted to helping them break out of their rigid
style of conversational thinking and to re-learn how to speak in a more
relaxed, spontaneous fashion as mentioned above.

Can you think of a better man for the job than me?

Can you imagine people are paying me to teach them to blindly amble
around like I do? Well, they don't take it to the irritating degree we
Johnsons (& Kents) do, but in the end, everyone agrees they are coming
away sounding much more, like...y'know, more natural.
